"We used to have snowmobile races on the ocean ice in front of Elim during the first weekend in April but we cannot have any races this year."
Stormy weather stalled a search and rescue effort on Monday for a man from White Mountain, whose 4-wheeler broke through thin ice at the edge of Golovin Bay on Sunday.
We've had so much wind this winter, on the 15th of January, the winds were warm!!!!!!
The storm raises local concerns about food security and preparedness for transportation emergencies.
Sea ice is here and then disapears.
There has been a lack of snow in the Golovin area ever since the January 2014 warm spell.
12-19-13 Wind blew out the ice - Elim, Alaska, USA
11-4-13 Ice fishing hazardous - Golovin, Alaska, USA
Despite the time of year, there is still no snow on the Seward Peninsula.
Late freeze-up of sea ice along the shoreline