Goose Spit Regional Park, Comox, British Columbia, Canada

Patch of chordgrass Spartina sp. shown overtaking pickleweed Salicornia sp. along the inner beach at Goose Spit, Comox, BC on 5 December 2017. A restoration team is shown in the immediate background. Spartina sp. is also visible extending into the distant background along the beach.
Photo by Tom Okey
Removing chordgrass Spartina sp. along the inner beach at Goose Spit, Comox, BC on 5 December 2017.
Photo by Tom Okey
Removing chordgrass Spartina sp. along the inner beach at Goose Spit, Comox, BC on 5 December 2017. Chordgrass and associated sediment is loaded into bags for disposal.
Photo by Tom Okey