North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The Hemlock Looper Moth outbreak is said to last between 3-4 years and now coincides with an outbreak of Phantom Hemlock Looper which saw its last outbreak more than a decade ago.

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Ecohydrological consequences of drought‐ and infestation‐ triggered tree die‐off: insights and hypotheses

/ 2 Aug 2011

Widespread, rapid, drought‐, and infestation‐triggered tree mortality is emerging as a phenomenon affecting forests globally and may be linked to increasing temperatures and drought frequency.

Decline in hemlock forests linked to changes in water resources, study shows

/ 3 May 2017

An insect infestation that is killing hemlock trees in New England forests is having a significant impact on the water resources of forested ecosystems that provide essential water supplies to one of the nation's most populous regions, suggests new research.

Lambdina fiscellaria

Nepytia phantasmaria