Bamfield, British Columbia, Canada

FioRito, Rebecca, Celeste Leander, and Brian Leander. "Characterization of three novel species of Labyrinthulomycota isolated from ochre sea stars (Pisaster ochraceus." Marine Biology 163.8 (2016): 1-10.

Read On FioRito, R., Leander, C. and Leander, B., 2016. Marine Biology, 163(8), pp.1-10.
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Author: Rebecca FioRito, Celeste Leander, and Brian Leander

Dr. Celeste Leander holding a Pisaster brevispinus
Scanning electron micrograph of Labyrinthulomycetes (found on Wikispecies by LEO editor, and may or may not be in one of the subclades found by the authors of the present study)