Port Heiden, Alaska, United States

Sea otter population growth not seen in recent history and shellfish harvest have been dropping.

09-07-11 Whittier & Portage (By Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-BezaireSea Otter Uploaded by Aconcagua, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link)
Agattu Island, Steller Sea Lion bull (By Morkill, Anne – images.fws.gov, Public Domain, Link)
Emma clam (Photo courtesy of M. Brubaker)
Spotted seal showing narrow snout like that of a dog (By Captain Budd Christman - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, [1], Public Domain, Link)
This harbor seal Phoca vitulina lives in a community of about 20 animals in Magdalen fjord in the north of Svalbard. (By AWeith – Own work CC BY-SA 4.0, Link)

Port Heiden Alaska, United States


Port Heiden is a community of 102 residents on the Alaska peninsula.

See Also

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