Arctic Village, Alaska, United States

"Grayling guts with unknown pearl like cyst or tapeworm. Never seen this before in our grayling."

Fish guts with unusual cysts (?).
Crystal Frank
Grayling courtesy Flickr
Tape worm cysts

See Also

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Fish Pathology Laboratory


Fish Pathology Laboratory/Program mission statement for the Division of Commercial Fisheries - Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Environmental Health

/ 2 Mar 2020

Environmental Health Environmental public health is concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health. The Office of Environmental Health (OEH) program is part of TCC’s Health Services Department. We provide both routine and project-related services in the TCC villages; other services are provided at a village’s request.Each TCC village has an assigned team ... <p class="read-more-container"><a title="Environmental Health" class="read-more button" href="" aria-label="More on Environmental Health">Continue Reading</a></p>

