Goose Island, British Columbia, Canada

John Reynolds tweeted:

Tom Okey, LEO BC Coordinator, wrote:

This observation of a Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) by Professors Brian Starzomski and John Reynolds is indeed north of its historic range as illustrated on iNaturalist where it was also shared. Only four other M. polyglottos observations north of its historic Pacific region range have been shared on iNaturalist, and none older than 2014. The most northern of those sightings was by Syd Cannings in the Stikine Region of British Columbia on 19 June 2019. The northernmost sighting on the eBird database was by James Helmericks north of latitude 70° on the Coleville River Delta, Alaska at the Beaufort Sea (70°25'41.7"N 150°24'13.1"W)---in August of 2019. These observations reveal a rapid northward expansion of the range of Northern Mockingbirds.

Northern Mockingbird on Goose Island, British Columbia, Canada, 25 June 2019
© Brian Starzomski, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC-SA)

See Also

View on Map

Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

/ 24 Jun 2019

Out of range on BC's Central Coast.

British Columbia Coast

Effects of global warming

John Reynolds (ecologist)

Northern mockingbird