Wales, Alaska, United States

Spiders possibly wolf spiders of family (Lycosidae) numbering some 75 to 100 were seen on top of snow along Boulder Creek road and lagoon.

A wolf spider, genus Pardosa, with an egg sack.
By D. Sikes - Flickr: 2007-08-07-3654a.jpg, CC BY-SA 2.0
Lycosidae habitat distribution, drawn after Platnick: World Spider Catalog 7.0. This is not a precise rendering of the distribution! If you have better information, please replace this map, or send me the info, and i will redraw it.
By User:Sarefo - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
Unknown spider
Photo courtesy of Polly Bass
Unknown spider
Photo courtesy of Polly Bass

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Wales, Alaska

Wolf spider