Climate Change Theory

19 October 2018

Kwethluk, Alaska, United States

For Your Climate Theory:

How can we predict climate change in the coming future? No-one really knows, there's tribes on this Earth that use their immediate environment to determine the shape of our seasons. Leaves, and plant matter dying, colder winds, usually indicates autumn, new grass, and warmer temperatures usually means spring has arrived. What about any indications of intense impending climate change? Earth has a warming and cooling cycle in its 12 month orbit around the sun, which was brought on by a massive asteroid strike that doomed the dinosaurs; and set in motion the seasons we know today. Point of fact Earth has been hit at least by 3 major asteroids that changed our climate on Earth, 1st major asteroid hit the surface of the waters setting Gondwanaland to separate and drift into the continents we know today. 2nd major asteroid strike changed the way we see the Yucatan Peninsula, once upon a time this peninsula connected Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Alabama with all of Central America. 3rd major asteroid strike set in motion for mammals to become the dominant species on Earth, taking over the top spot once held by dinosaurs. Humans do live in the environment, but we don't have the necessary means to survive without taking from nature. Furs to keep sub arctic peoples warm, grass, peat moss to make huts sheltering us from a harsh climate extremes. Animals, and plants are the only thing that literally live, play, and are nurtured in the environment in nearly all 12 hours of the suns cycle around the Earth. Animals, and plants are the only precursor to the shape of things to come when it comes to climate change. Blooming/flowering plants during the chilly season of autumn, birds flocking, migrating, and nesting out of season. Whales showing up where their not normally seen, and trees migrating autonomously on their own from one contaminant ravaged area to another with more cleaner/greener pastures. This is my climate theory, animals and plants are good indicators of major climate change. Once they start reacting to climate on a large scale its usually for the best of the species survival. We humans aren't so in tune to environmental changes other than seasonal changes, normally we determine such things based on animal and plant behavior surrounding seasonal migration/dormancy. This is as close as I can get to determining major climate change indicators for humans, what are your opinions on the matter?