Gojra, Punjab, Pakistan

Weather conditions including drought are effecting vegetation in Punjab and other areas of Pakistan.

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Intense heat ‘to make human survival difficult in Pakistan’ by 2100 | The Express Tribune

/ 4 Aug 2017

Study makes startling revelations about impact of climate change on South Asia by 2100

Pakistan Heat Wave Peaks at Likely Global April Record High of 122.4 Degrees | The Weather Channel

/ 3 May 2018

Here's how hot it was at the end of the month in Pakistan.

65 dead in Pakistani city as temperature tops 44 degrees

/ 22 May 2018

The heat wave has coincided with power outages and the start of Ramadan, when most Muslims do not eat or drink during the day.

Pakistan faces increasing heat waves

/ 8 Jun 2018 / Pixl 8

Rising heat wave conditions pose a threat to human health and crop yields in Pakistan, says study.