Several dozen worms were observed during a Beluga hunt in Norton Bay.
Observation: We have seen these kind of worms in the past but not very often. Original observer stated spotting several dozen while they were stopped hunting for Beluga in the middle of the bay. He caught one and brought it home in a bucket.
Ocean Integrity Research Consult: Dr. Tom Okey writes, "That is a polychaete worm of the genus Nereis. Beluga whales feed on them in shallow muddy areas. There is a report online by Lori Quakenbush with some beluga diet information."
See article Quakenbush, L., Suydam, R.S., Bryan, A.L., Lowry, L.F., Frost, K.J. and Mahoney, B.A., 2015. Diet of Beluga Whales, Delphinapterus leucas in Alaska from Stomach Contents, March–November, March–November. Mar. Fish. Rev, 77, pp.70-84. T. Okey