Our concern has to do with the impact and number of dead whales that might have on our subsistence lifestyle. It is unusual to find so many dead whales.
This is one in a string of dead whale sightings that have been designated as the 2015 Gulf of Alaska Large Whale Unusual Mortality Event (UME). From May to mid-August, 30 large whales were reported including 11 fin whales, 14 humpback whales, 1 gray whale and 4 other unidentified large cetaceans.
A fin whale washed ashore in St. George, Pribilofs, Alaska.
Two dead marine mammals--a fur seal and a whale.
A highly decomposed whale carcass was identified as a gray whale.
Dead gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) reported off the Alaska Peninsula
New beaked whale species: Berardius
Dead whale with interesting dolphin-like face.