The Moray Firth dolphins have been moving out of their normal range in Scotland waters. A dolphin known as Yoda is the latest member to be spotted far from home. Another Moray Firth dolphin has been seen in the Irish Sea.
Ascension Thursday, a Finnish holiday, was unforgettable for Keeri Sjöblom, 13, who lives in Kimitoön, a maritime municipality in southwest Finland.
The eyewitness, who first heard the animal splashing by the southeastern coast, said she couldn't believe her eyes.
Authors of a recent Marine Biodiveristy Records publication describe a very special and surprising sighting of bottlenose dolphins in British Columbian waters: is this the first record of a long series to come?
Estonian ship pilot Indrek Sulla on Tuesday morning sighted two dolphins who had likely wandered into Kopli Bay from the Atlantic.