At 4:45 p.m., 65 inches was on the ground. By 7:30, 72 inches of new snow had fallen in one storm. That’s 6 feet. In less than one day! It was darn close to a new Alaska (and United States) record.
Officials say the floodwaters are swamping Alaska towns, tearing buildings from foundations, seeping into homes and covering roads. In Glennallen, the local utility is setting up Porta-Potties around the community, and area residents are asked to limit water usage. The state transportation department said there was water over a portion of the Glenn Highway on Monday, but the road remained open.
A number of sick and / or dying songbirds were reported in McCarthy including pine grosbeaks and red polls. A sickly golden eagle was reported ten days earlier. "It flew up to a tree top but appeared weak and a bit awkward."
The 61-year-old man was flown to an Anchorage hospital for treatment of his injuries, troopers said.
The National Park Service said a 22-year-old Ohio man was salvaging moose meat when he was killed in the national park’s first recorded fatal bear mauling.
Forests around Gakona saw abundant aphids and defoliation from sawflies or caterpillars.
Orchids often reproduce by sending up additional shoots from the rhizome, but can produce seeds. When they do, the seeds are lightweight and are easily blown around by the wind. The dried swamp may have provided the right nutrients and optimal environment for germination.
Diplodia galls are caused by a fungus that causes the tree to overproduce in certain areas. This generally will not kill the tree, but does make the tree more prone to breakage in areas where galls are found.
Above average winter precipitation may have contributed to high winter survival rates among wood frogs, which emerged during warm spring temperatures.
Rain caused mudslides are affecting roads in the southeastern Interior. The Alaska Department of Transportation reports that the McCarthy Road was shut down by a slide last night. Listen now
More bees seen enjoying sweet clover thus year than in recent years.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game issued an emergency order Wednesday closing the personal-use and sport fishing for Copper River sockeye around Chitina until further notice. It goes into effect on Monday, June 18th.
Biologists blame the Blob of warm water in the Gulf of Alaska for poor sockeye returns that also led to the second lowest commercial harvest in 50 years.
The lodge at above 3,000 feet altitude on the Glenn Highway measured 6 to 8 inches of snow as of Monday morning -- and it was still falling.
Summer slowly arrived in Alaska this month, but if you live in Glennallen, you may be having very different emotions regarding June weather.
Crews are working to clear snow off of the Richardson Highway near Valdez, after excessive snow has not relented, and an avalanche has poured over the isolated highway stretch.
Reddish growth on rosehip leaves
A mountain lion is robbing the tribal fish wheel in Tazlina. There have been several sightings in recent years.
Appears to be smothering all aquatic plant life.
Chistochina River change
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